Artigos publicados en revistas científicas incluídas no JCR- SJR

Título: Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Zone Ammonia in a Weaned Piglet Building
Autores/as: Arango, T., Besteiro, R., Ortega, J. A., Castro, Á., Rodríguez, M. R., & Fernández, M. D

Revista: Agronomy, 11(10), 1927 Q1 (CATEGORÍA: AGRONOMY - 16/91)

Título: A New Technique for Improved Use of Thermal Energy from Waste Effluents
Autores/as: Magide-Ameijide, J. M., Varela-Rodríguez, H., & López-Fabal, A. (2020).

A New Technique for Improved Use of Thermal Energy from Waste Effluents. Agronomy, 10(1), 97.

Temas: Tratamento e valorización de residuos; eficiencia enerxética

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.259, Q1 (2019)

Título: Evolution of NH3 Concentrations in Weaner Pig Buildings Based on Setpoint Temperature
Autores/as: Rodriguez, M. R., Losada, E., Besteiro, R., Arango, T., Velo, R., Ortega, J. A., & Fernandez, M. D. (2020).

Evolution of NH3 Concentrations in Weaner Pig Buildings Based on Setpoint Temperature. Agronomy, 10(1), 107.

Temas: Smart farming; benestar animal; monitoraxe, modelización e control ambiental

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.259, Q1(2019)

Título: Test Of Wood Properties In Oak Species (Quercus Robur L., Quercus Petraea (Matts) Liebl. And Quercus Pyrenaica Willd.) For Wine Aging. Part Iii: Porosity Versus Void Ratio
Autores/as: Diaz-Maroto, I. J., & Tahir, S. (2019).


Temas: Calidade da madeira; uso da madeira na industria tonelera; planificación, xestión e uso da madeira de especies frondosas  caducifolias

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 0.688, Q3

Título: Evolution of NH3 Concentrations in Weaner Pig Buildings Based on Setpoint Temperature
Autores/as: Rodriguez, M. R., Losada, E., Besteiro, R., Arango, T., Velo, R., Ortega, J. A., & Fernandez, M. D. (2020).

Evolution of NH3 Concentrations in Weaner Pig Buildings Based on Setpoint Temperature. Agronomy, 10(1), 107.

Temas: Smart farming; benestar animal; monitoraxe, modelización e control ambiental

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.259, Q1

Título: Validation of an AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average model for the prediction of animal zone temperature in a weaned piglet building
Autores/as: Ortega, J. A., Losada, E., Besteiro, R., Arango, T., Ginzo-Villamayor, M. J., Velo, R., Fernandez, M. D. & Rodriguez, M. R. (2018).

Validation of an AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average model for the prediction of animal zone temperature in a weaned piglet building. Biosystems Engineering, 174, 231-238.

Temas: Smart farming; benestar animal; monitoraxe, modelización e control ambiental

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.983, Q1


Título: Agreement between passive infrared detector measurements and human observations of animal activity
Autores/as: Besteiro, R., Rodríguez, M. R., Fernández, M. D., Ortega, J. A., & Velo, R. (2018).

). Agreement between passive infrared detector measurements and human observations of animal activity. Livestock Science, 214, 219-224.

Temas: Smart farming; benestar animal

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 1.376, Q2

Título: Estimation of patterns in weaned piglets' activity using spectral analysis
Autores/as: Besteiro, R., Arango, T., Rodríguez, M. R., Fernández, M. D., & Velo, R. (2018).

Estimation of patterns in weaned piglets' activity using spectral analysis. Biosystems Engineering, 173, 85-92.

Temas: Smart farming; benestar animal; monitoraxe, modelización e control ambiental

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.983, Q1

Título: Altitudinal differentiation of Quercus robur in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Autores/as: Ballian, D., Memišević, M., Bogunić, F., & Diaz-Maroto, I. J. (2018).

Altitudinal differentiation of Quercus robur in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Forestry Research, 29(5), 1225-1232.

Temas: Calidade da madeira; caracterización de especies forestais; planificación, xestión e uso da madeira de especies frondosas  caducifolias

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 1.151, Q3

Título: Fingerprints of acacia aging treatments by barrels or chips based on volatile profile, sensorial properties, and multivariate analysis
Autores/as: Alañón, M. E., Marchante, L., Alarcón, M., Díaz‐Maroto, I. J., Pérez‐Coello, S., & Díaz‐Maroto, M. C. (2018).

Fingerprints of acacia aging treatments by barrels or chips based on volatile profile, sensorial properties, and multivariate analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(15), 5795-5806.

Temas: Calidade da madeira; uso da madeira na industria tonelera; planificación, xestión e uso da madeira de especies frondosas  caducifolias

Factor de impacto e cuartil: 2.614, Q1

Título: Input of communal forests to sustainable development of the rural population: study case of Northern Portugal and Galicia
Autores/as: Lopes, J. A., & Diaz-Maroto, I. J. (2017).

). Input of communal forests to sustainable development of the rural population: study case of Northern Portugal and Galicia. In Rural development 2017: bioeconomy challenges: proceedings of the 8th international scientific conference, 23-24 November, 2017, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2017, p. 1156-1160.

Temas: Sustentebilidade no medio rural; xestión forestal

Factor de impacto e cuartil: -

Título: Environmental conditions and oak barrels timber quality: Which is the influence in the Quercus petraea (Matts.) Liebl forests in the Iberian Peninsula?
Autores/as: Vila-Lameiro, P., Díaz-Maroto, I.J. (2017).

Environmental conditions and oak barrels timber quality: Which is the influence in the Quercus petraea (Matts.) Liebl forests in the Iberian Peninsula? WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 13, 225-241.

Temas: Caracterización de especies forestais; planificación, xestión e uso da madeira de especies frondosas  caducifolias

Factor de impacto e cuartil: -


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