BioMODEM is a research group. BioMODEM stands for MODeling, Energy and Mechanization in BIOsystems. This group is part of the University of Santiago de Compostela and it is based in its Lugo Campus, at the Escola Politécnica Superior de Enxeñaría. Its main research line focuses on smart farming and sustainable development in rural areas, both for companies, individuals and public administrations. Efficiency and sustainability, analyzed from the perspective of circular bioechonomy, are cross-cutting themes inside our research activity.
In 1996, some faculty members part of he Agroforesty Engineering Department and mainly focused in electrotechnical and mechanization subjects, joined their efforts to start conducting some research lines applied to the rural environment. The group grew with the implementation of research projects and contracts. New members joined and new areas of interest were included to it such as forest modelling, graphic expression and thermotechnics. With this addition of more experiencie, critical thinking and a further comprehensive vision of the Galician agroforestry system, the group reached its current composition whose main features are a commitment to the rural world and a focus on biosystem engineering with an international scope.
BioMODEM - Biosystems Engineering
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Escola Politécnica Superior de Enxeñaría
R/ Benigno Ledo, Campus Terra · 27002 Lugo · (España)
Telf: +34 982 823 304 · E-mail:
Website funded by Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional through its grants program for the structuring and settlement of competitive research units as well as other promotion actions inside the Galician universitary system, and more specifically, through the program aimed for groups with potential for growth inside the Galician university system. Funded also by Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria (RESOLUTION 14th December 2018). BioMODEM has been appointed as “Group with Potential for Growth” by Xunta de Galicia since 2008.